Complete Me

Complete Me

Sunday, June 30, 2013

God cares when you are overwhelmed by your everyday responsibilities.....

I quietly sit before The Lord this morning with a thankful heart and a very sore body. It's a good feeling knowing I accomplished the things I had to do yesterday and an even better feeling knowing I couldn't have done it without the strength of my Jesus.  I woke up yesterday feeling very overwhelmed at the responsibilities I faced.  I had one day to really clean my house and complete right at 10 loads of laundry. I sat alone with Lord and just cried and asked...."Jesus, how will I do it all?  The giant in front of me consumed me as I felt hopeless.  Then The Lord placed on my heart.......
I meditated on this beautiful passage quietly trusting God would give me the energy I needed.  I struggled to find Gods peace when my phone rang and it was a friend asking me to go exercise. I thought now? Really's already 9 am and I'm off to a late start as it is but I obediently took this challenge. I went and ran, dropped my car off at the shop, then got home and began my work at about noon. The day was challenging but at 10 pm I was finally done. And what an accomplishment it was.

"In You I trusted and You delivered me. To You I cried out & was saved; in You I trusted & was not disappointed." Psalm 22:4-5

I learned quickly God cares about the smallest details of our life. He wants to be with you and help you in all things......even cleaning your house. If it were not for the power of the Holy Spirit encouraging me I would have quit.  

Life is so busy for today's mom......we work, pay bills, clean house, do laundry, cook, clean, buy groceries, make sure we are all in church, bible study, youth group, run here run there and in the midst of all this some of us have extra responsibilities.....maybe its caring for a grandmother in a nursing home, caring for someone who is sick, or maybe your struggling in a difficult marriage.  How do we handle it all?  Well I have an answer for you.......YOU CAN'T!!  It's only by the grace of God and the power of the Holy Spirit that you can do the things The Lord calls you to do.

For me I cannot begin my day without some time with my Father, my best friend, my only hope.....the one who understands all my worries and concerns and loves me for who I am.....even when you're    overwhelmed by a very dirty house and all the responsibilities that go along with being a wife, a mom, and a faithful follower of Christ.  

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